As we step through the shadowy doorway to fall, we simultaneously mourn the withering blooms of summer and expectantly await the sweetness of the gifts buried in the darkness that follows. I sense an allegory here relating to the devastation suffered by all in our beloved Western NC mountains. We are deeply mourning the catastrophic losses that Hurricane Helene wrought on this region and surrounding states…and there will be much more mourning in the weeks to come, and months of sweat and tears as we come together to rebuild. But cradled in this darkness is the hope for all humanity that we so desperately seek….when thousands upon thousands of us compassionate souls come together to help save the shattered pieces of these once flourishing lives and locales, to knit together the scattered shards into a new thing, different but breathtakingly beautiful in the knowing that so much love went into its creation. Perhaps you’ve heard of the Japanese art of “kintsugi” - the art of fixing broken things. The literal translation is to “join with gold”; this form of art involves repairing broken pottery or glass by using gold lacquer to piece the shards back together. The result is a new piece that's considered more beautiful than the original. Kintsugi embraces the idea that beauty can be found in imperfection. It treats breakage and repair as part of the object's history, rather than something to hide. It’s a fitting analogy, I think. Western NC will never be the same as it was; far too much has been lost, but it will thrive again - the people, the communities, the businesses - and no one will ever be able to forget how it happened. That is the medicine of the dark. For there cannot be darkness without light, and the light persists eternally in our hearts.
"Do not be dismayed by the brokenness of the world. All things break. And all things can be mended. Not with time, as they say, but with intention. So go. Love intentionally, extravagantly, unconditionally. The broken world waits in darkness for the light that is you." — L.R. Knost
Much of this month’s collection was created specifically with Pittsboro’s very own Death Faire in mind. We are excited to be an approved vendor for the event this year for the very first time! The Death Faire is always held right around Samhain and generally coincides with Día de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead - this year it is held on November 2nd at The Plant. Inspired by the death positivity movement,this annual event hosts multiple speakers and intimate sessions to help you transform your grief and see death in a whole new light. Grief emerges from the well of the deep soulful self, and as long as we allow it to flow, grief keeps us connected to both our hearts and our womb of wisdom. Once we know the terrain we become more familiar with the wild and wise ways of choosing when it’s time to descend into the darkness to retrieve more of our own power, embrace more shadows, and when it’s time to repair our wings and fly back up into the light. Grief keeps us fluid, soft, tender, and alive. Grief is a powerful gateway to truth and to love.

Standing at the gate of Samhain, our October product collection explores death, looks beyond the veil, celebrates the dark, and reveals our intimate connections to this spiral of beginnings and endings.
We hope that you find something beautiful, transformative and uplifting in this collection and our writings about each product. Together, let us celebrate the creative cauldron of fall, prepare for the final harvest, release that which is ready to fall from the trees of our life, offer gratitude, and celebrate autumn's magick.
Blessed be, my witchy peeps!

The story of Persephone, the innocent, naive daughter of Goddess Demeter who was kidnapped by Hades and thus became the Queen of the Underworld, is the most well known of all the ancient myths. When Persephone sealed her fate by eating that pomegranate seed, forever tying her to the darkness, she set in motion a cycle on earth to which we bear witness even today…the changing of the seasons. When Persephone returned to her mother, Demeter brought spring in her wake and when it was time for Persephone to travel back to the Underworld, Demeter went into mourning and the earth once again became dark and cold, bringing the harshness of winter along with it. Persephone, no longer so innocent, is perhaps more inherently suited to her position as a death deity, in that she encompasses the full life/death cycle and represents both life and death - such powerful forces refined through the cauldron of death and rebirth are the necessary training ground for all true Queens. To be Queen is ultimately to know our own territory, to own it, and to face our fears of all that lives beneath the surface to no longer be a victim of it.

That knowledge is obtained only via the healing practice known as shadow work. Shadow work is simply becoming aware of what we keep hidden deep within ourselves - the unconscious and disowned parts of our personalities - and gradually healing those aspects of ourselves. The goal of shadow work is integration. The integration of the unconscious leads to complete and total awareness. The most important step in doing shadow work is to become aware of it. When you see your shadow, acknowledge and observe it without judgment. Observe it to understand it and then work to integrate it. To do shadow work is to bring your shadow closer to you; it is part of who you are, after all. Becoming aware is similar to seeing something that is suddenly illuminated by light. Shine a light on it or bring it out of the darkness. Love your shadow for all it is. Shadow work is the highest form of light work that you can do! It is a great way to experience inner healing and transformation, and all it takes is self-awareness.
Products pictured here: Queen of the Underworld soap | Memento Mori bath bomb | Shadowlands soap
A soft rustling of leaves, the sinister creak of bare branches whispering the tales of the dead, the echo of ancient footsteps on the cold, damp stone steps, a sense of melancholy hanging thick as a blanket in the electric air.....you best tread carefully on these hallowed grounds.
Rooted in ancient linguistic soil, the term ‘hallowed ground’ traces back to Old English, hālig, which means “holy” or “sacred”. Over time, it developed a richer and more nuanced connotation, becoming synonymous with places of revered sanctity - places of burial, war memorials, ancient temples. These are sites where the past intertwines with the present, and the secular with the sacred.
We are excited to announce a rousing (nay, stimulating?!) new local collaboration with End Game Coffee Roasters! Introducing our Hallowed Grounds artisan botanical soap bar! Rich, Ethiopian Kembata is made into a strong cold brew infusion for our soap base. The comforting and familiar scent of fresh-ground coffee dominates the nose complemented by creamy oat milk and a dash of warm cinnamon. Oohhh so good!

As an added bonus, we're offering a limited number of these bars as a special gift set with a 4oz bag of End Game Coffee’s Ethiopian Adame Gorbata roast - freshly roasted and ready to delight your tastebuds! The perfect gift for the coffee lover in your life!
You’ll notice that both our Hallowed Grounds soap and Memento Mori bath bomb were photographed in a cemetery. These truly hallowed grounds are the home to our beloved St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church right here in the heart of downtown Pittsboro, located just a block away from our retail boutique. St. Bart’s is a fascinating place to explore old grave markers dating back to the mid-1800’s and a sacred sanctuary to sit for a spell and enjoy a meditative moment of reflection. If you’d like to learn more about the history of this church and its graveyard, and some of the spooky stories of Pittsboro’s past, grab yourself a ticket to PBO’s 2nd annual Spirits of Pittsboro Past Walking Tour, hosted by the Chatham Historical Society, coming up this month.

According to many different cultures and religions, late October and early November is the time of year when the veil between the world of the living and the world of the dead is seen to be at its thinnest. From Dia de los Muertos to Samhain to Halloween to All Souls Day, we gather together and enjoy sweets in memory of those that we’ve lost and frighten away evil spirits that may be trying to make their way into our world.
Samhain (pronounced Sow-en) originated in pre-Christian Ireland as a fire festival to mark the final harvest of the year and the beginning of winter and the dark half of the year. Nearly all of our modern day Halloween traditions stem from these ancient celebrations. Samhain presents us with the opportunity to once more celebrate the cycle of death and rebirth. This point marks the halfway point between the Fall Equinox and the Winter Solstice. It is a time of dualities as darkness creeps into our lives and we notice the rapidly growing nights. Enjoy the stillness that this time of year brings and the opportunity it offers us to reconnect with our shadows.

The ancient Welsh Goddess Cerridwen comes to us at Samhain, as we move from the light into the dark. When the brew begins to bubble, Cerridwen reflects on the pursuit of our muses, alchemizing creativity and harvesting mysteries nourished by the darkness. Cerridwen represents the dark Crone aspect of the Goddess, and as such she is associated with deep, mystical wisdom. She is a Goddess of magic, mystery, transformation, divination, and prophecy, among many other things. She invites us to place the aspects of ourselves that we keep in the shadows, such as personality traits or habits we don’t like, or old stories or thoughts that no longer serve, into her magical cauldron for transformation. The cauldron is her most prominent symbol, representing magic and transformation. Because it is a vessel, it also represents the womb of the Goddess and the Divine Feminine. For some, the cauldron represents the original source of women’s mysteries, magic, divine inspiration, spiritual and physical nourishment, and the essence of creation itself. It’s a perfect symbol for the Witch, and for Samhain: the most magickal time of the year.
Our Samhain soap has a brand new look this year! Same great scent that y'all love so much, but we think this new aesthetic truly captures the seasonal spirit of this fire festival!
And, of course, I know you've been waiting ever so patiently....our most popular ritual seasonal roller blend ever returns! Our Samhain ritual perfume roller is a rich and mysterious blend of sweet orange, patchouli, ginger, clove and black pepper in a base of mugwort infused EVOO. Protection for the thinning veil - donned with a sprig of dried mugwort and carnelian chips for added protection, Reiki blessed for your highest and greatest good, and packaged in a sleek black frosted roller for those witchy vibes.
'If you've been around here for even a hot minute, you may have realized that we go DEEP with our symbolism - layers upon layers of symbolism are contained within each and every product. When we say we "make magick", this is where that magic shines brightest. Carnelian in Chinese Medicine is known to help clear the "ghosts" - not so much the literal kind, but more so those lingering, haunting whispers of trauma that we all need to let go (ahem, there’s that shadow work again!). Roll this blend over your solar plexus region for grounding and confidence and release those beasts and ghosts back to the netherworld! Mugwort (artemisia vulgaris), aka Crone Wort, is a sacred wild herb, a wise being who calls us to acknowledge and utilize our own well of wisdom. Mugwort is an expert traveler of the labyrinth, revealing messages from the underworld. She is women’s medicine through and through, full of fierce female energy; a hormonal regulator and tonic for the reproductive system, but she offers so much more. She steadies the nerves, sharpens intuition, reawakens the heart’s truest desires, strengthens the courage of one’s convictions and reawakens our awareness and embodiment of the divine. Mugwort helps us to release our wild, untamed selves. If you’re into tarot or divination, try rolling this blend on your third eye to ground yourself before a session. Native American tribes used mugwort leaves to rub on one’s body as protection from ghosts. Practitioners of magick utilize mugwort smoke wands to ward off psychic attacks from those who would do you harm. When burned as an incense at Samhain, it works as an offering to call upon the Ancestors, creating a stronger bond between the thin veil of the physical world & spirit world. A swipe of this roller at bedtime or even a sprig of the fresh herb under the pillow will open you to guidance in the form of dreamwork. But be forewarned, she may bring on intensely vivid dreams! Dreams are an opportunity for the subconscious to go to work on the troubles and lessons of the day and integrate them into the deeper mind. They can serve as a form of emotional detoxification, allowing us to utilize our dreamspace for deeper internal work. Dreams are also an indicator of sleep quality – if you aren’t sleeping well, you might not be able to remember your dreams (or you may experience nightmares).

Speaking of sleep, we’ve fully restocked your fave soothing aromatic blend with a brand new seasonally inspired name and aesthetic. Sleeping Beauty has been transformed for spooky season as Sleepy Hollow! The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, by Washington Irving, thought to have a source in a German folktale, tells the story of Ichabod Crane, a greedy and naïve schoolmaster who encounters Sleepy Hollow's infamous ghost, The Headless Horseman, and is never seen nor heard from again. Spookay!

The witching hour, somebody had once whispered to her, was a special moment in the middle of the night when every child and every grown-up was in a deep deep sleep, and all the dark things came out from hiding and had the world all to themselves.
― Roald Dahl, The BFG
You’re probably wondering by now what our featured fairy tale/story is that inspired the name of our collection this month! In The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Ichabod Crane is chased by a mysterious figure on horseback after a party at the Van Tassel estate at "the witching time of night".
You know that time of night, known as the “witching hour”, whether you’ve heard that phrase or not. We’ve all been there….it’s 3am and you’re laying in bed, staring up at the ceiling and the darkness suddenly becomes suffocating, your skin prickles, and the hairs on your head stand on end. You have to go pee, but you’re putting it off, you’re not totally sure why but something tells you to stay under the covers. The pit in your stomach is the only thing competing with the pressure of your bladder but you know that something has to give. You race down the hall to the bathroom, eyes straight ahead (definitely do NOT glance at a mirror or any portraits of the dead!!), and you reach for the light before entering, allowing the light to flood the hall and evaporate your fears. You shake off the uneasiness while surrounded by the light, but how will you ever get back to sleep now?
What exactly about the witching hour makes us feel so uneasy?
Some believe the witching hour is the time of night when the veil between life and death is thinnest, allowing spirits and ghosts to travel between two worlds. Others believe that witches and psychics are more powerful at this time of night. Some aren’t really sure what the witching hour is, but they know nothing good happens at 3am.
The phrase “Witching Hour” was first recorded sometime around 1835, though the origins seem to be from a period of time in 1535 where the Catholic Church forbade activities during the 3-4AM window due to rising concerns about witchcraft in Europe. Witch hunts, demonic activity, exorcisms, and rituals have all become intertwined with the witching hour, as just about any clock in a horror movie will tell you. In folklore, the witching hour or devil's hour is a time of night associated with supernatural events. Creatures such as witches, demons, ghosts, and gremlins are thought to appear and to be at their most powerful. In Mexican folklore, they tell of La Mala Hora, translated as ‘The Evil Hour’, represented as a woman clad in black who appears at crossroads in the dead of night, a messenger and omen of death to come.
Magick, and particularly black magick, is also thought to be most effective at this time. The witching hour got its name from the assumption that witches cast their spells in the blackness of night when they can go undetected and when the veil between worlds is at its thinnest. If you are planning on communicating with your ancestors and/or the spirit world for Samhain, this may well be the optimal hour to do so.
The truth is the witching hour might be a lot less about witches and evil and a lot more about biology and sleep cycles. For most people, 3AM hits right about the time their body is going through REM, the deepest sleep possible. This does a few things to you—it slows your heart rate down, drops your body temperature, and generally dulls as many functions as possible so you can get truly deep rest. If you wake up suddenly in the middle of an REM phase, whether from strange and ominous sounds or because it’s simply time for a mattress upgrade, you’re going to feel super, crazy weird. The natural reaction to feeling so disoriented and even colder than normal is fear—we can’t help but instinctually panic when we feel completely different than when we went to sleep. Is it a coincidence, or is it an evolutionary tactic developed to better protect ourselves?
We are delighted to introduce you to a brand new product! Meet our Witching Hour reed diffusers! You've been asking and it's taken us a while to perfect this new aromatic product line. Our exclusive, luxury reed diffuser bundle offers long-lasting scent in a whimsical, witchy aesthetic. Matte black cube bottles are matched with black reeds, spiral reeds, and a wooden witch broomstick for a gothic glam you'll want to display all year round! Stylish and sophisticated for your #witchcore aesthetic. This will make a fantastic gift for your witchy bestie! This introductory edition is available in VERY limited quantities. Two magickal scent options. Check out the listing link above for all the deets! If you love this one, we'll keep 'em coming in the new year ahead.

Well now we certainly couldn’t let this season pass without a nod to the campy cult classic film, Hocus Pocus, and its soon to be released revival of the Sanderson witches’ magical realm. Witches in film and in history are a dual-edged sword. They often portray empowered women yet those women are also demonized for their abilities.The Sanderson sisters are powerful and share a strong sense of sisterhood, yet the entire point of the movie is for their power to be extinguished for the safety of Salem. It’s also interesting to see how the portrayal of witches has shifted as a culture over the last 3 decades. In the original, the source of the sisters’ magick was the Devil himself, while the sequel reflected the more modern view of witchcraft as being a nature-based practice. We’re looking forward to the new release! Sistahs, let’s fly!
Our witchy themed product collection this month includes a Hocus Pocus soap bar, the annual return of Witch’s Familiar, a black cat bath bomb, Jinx, and our brand new BUBBLING bath salt blend, Black Magick! Check out each listing for all the fun & witchy deets!
Pictured here: Hocus Pocus soap | Witch's Familiar soap | Jinx bath bomb | Black Magick bath blend
Autumn whispered to the wind, “I fall but always rise again.”
-Angie Weiland Crosby

Happy fall, y'all and a blessed Samhain!