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"After long, long years a King's son came again to that country, and heard an old man talking about the thorn-hedge, and that a castle was said to stand behind it in which a wonderfully beautiful princess, named Briar Rose, had been asleep for a hundred years..." from Little Briar Rose, Grimm's Fairy Tales


Briar Rose is the OG Sleeping Beauty. During her hundred year sleep, the thorn hedge surrounding her castle became so overgrown that it defied all valiant attempts to penetrate it, leading to the "pitiful" deaths of many a man.


Sweet Briar Rose also happens to be the name of an antique varietal of rose, R. eglantaria, reknown worldwide for its sweet pink blossoms and deeply aromatic apple-scented leaves, a favorite English native that has been recorded in literature from Chaucer to Shakespeare. A heavily thorned rambling rose that grows thickly....most likely the very one that surrounded our dear princess' castle.


We've scented our Briar Rose roller in an intensely spicy yet distinctively floral blend with sensual notes of black rose, patchouli, orange zest, vanilla orchid and cinnamon leaf. Sultry and spicy and perhaps just a little dangerous! ;)


Crafted in small batches with ceremony and intention, harnessing the incredible synergy when energy, plant, and stone medicine come together. Each bottle leaves my hands with a Reiki blessing for your highest and greatest good.


This listing for one 10ml roll-on bottle.


Ingredients: Fractionated coconut oil with rose petal infusion & fragrance

Briar Rose Perfume Oil Roller

  • Perfume oil rollers do not contain any alcohol and thus won't have the staying power of a true parfum. However, here's a few tips to get the most out of each application:

    • Apply your perfume oil to moisturized skin. Aroma molecules evaporate far more slowly on well hydrated skin. Dry skin will quickly dissipate fragrance as well as those lighter and brighter top notes and floral heart notes.
    • Apply after bathing/showering when possible, when pores are open for maximum absorption. 
    • Try layering your scented products for a longer aromatic experience. Select scents that complement and/or have similar note profiles. A scented lotion or body oil will moisturize AND maximize scent retention. 
    • Apply to pulse points but do NOT rub in (rubbing will make the top notes burn off more quickly!). If you apply more than you wanted, simply tap your wrists together or dab on another pulse point. Warmth exuded from these points will project scent the longest. Best pulse points: wrists, neck/behind ears, collar bones, heart space, inner elbows (a great spot for long-lasting diffusion!), and behind knees.
    • However, there are certain spots that experts DO NOT recommend applying any perfume to, inlcuding eyes, face, privates, scalp, and any irritated, damaged skin (including cuts, scrapes, etc). 
    • Remember that citrus and floral notes are the most fleeting so a floral-forward scent will dissipate much more quickly than a woodsy or gourmand blend. Thus you may have to reapply these lighter blends a few times throughout the day.
    • Also remember that you will get used to your signature scent and won't notice it as much as those surrounding you. So don't be too quick to overapply!  
    • Keep in mind that if you've been to the gym and worked up a sweat, you'll need to reapply post-shower. 
    • Store your perfume roller in a cool, dark place for longest shelf life. Do not allow your roller bottle to be exposed to direct sun, excessive heat, high humidity (ahem, like the bathroom), or anywhere that it will be exposed to drastic temperature changes. 
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